ONCOLog Cancer Registry serves as the central platform for your cancer registry operations.  The software provides efficiencies to improve common registry tasks such as casefinding, abstracting, follow-up and quality control.  But ONCOLog goes further and provides additional functionality such as interface manager for enhanced data acquisition, a full suite of reports to support accreditation, strategic planning and evaluating quality measures, and multi-facility functionality that makes centralization and standardization across an enterprise easy.

ONCOLog Cancer Registry organizes your abstract into a logical workflow that groups demographics, tumor-specific information, treatment, and follow-up into locations that make it easier for the abstractor to complete their tasks.  With additional features to help make sure important fields are not missed, Comments/Text are easy to enter and view at any time, all of the manuals a ODS; formally referred to as CTR, uses to abstract are built in, and the ability to create Custom Fields at each level of the abstract the flexibility is unparalleled.

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At ONCO, we are dedicated to leveraging technology to assist our clients with improving and modernizing their cancer registries.  Our interface manager allows clients to acquire data from an outside data source such as the Electronic Health Record, review and validate the data, and insert it directly into the database.  We have interfaces to assist with casefinding from admissions, discharges, transfers, and pathology, interfaces to assist with follow-up, and most recently, interfaces to assist with the identification and abstraction of treatment.

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What good is data collection if you don’t use it?  ONCOLog provides pre-built reports focused on:

  • accreditation (Quality Control, Operative Standards, CAP Protocols)
  • strategic planning (outmigration, market share, community profiles)
  • tracking quality measures (CoC, NAPBC, NAPRC, NQMBC),
  • registry operations reporting (quality assurance, productivity)

If research is more of your focus, our ad hoc reporting tool allows for maximum flexibility when querying your data.  Any field you collect in the database, you can include in a filter or export.

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Experienced in supporting small community hospitals and treatment centers to large multi facility enterprises and NCI facilities. Contact us today!


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In addition to the wide range of pre-defined oncology-specific data sets, the powerful database behind ONCOLog provides you with unmatched flexibility for developing custom data fields, quality indicators and reports. All of this enables you to help your facility to manage and analyze complex clinical studies and treatment scenarios.

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Across the country, there has been a growing transition from individual freestanding hospitals to integrated networks including multiple facilities.   What was once a single facility with its own cancer registry and staff may join a health system with 10 other hospitals and an existing staff of 20.   We have considered this model and have structured our database to maximize efficiency for multi-facility registries.  We have a patient-centric database where the individual patient demographic data is coded once, cancer primaries are added to it, and only facility-specific data needs to be coded multiple times to ensure it is reported to the state and NCDB correctly.  This model lends itself nicely to centralization, standardization and saves a significant amount of time when abstracting ‘shared’ cases within the enterprise.

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  • Outstanding technical and registry support included
  • Registry support provided by an ODS; formally referred to as CTR, with hospital-based experience utilizing ONCOLog
  • Support on call Monday through Friday from 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. ET
  • NCRA CE approved quarterly web seminars with experts in the field
  • Additional assistance provided during COC call for data
  • 100% dedication to customer satisfaction
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Streamline your workflow, automate processes and evaluate your program.